Books, books everywhere, not a line studied!
Vacation plans are on hold. New movies are on hold. Eating out is on hold. Cold treats are on hold. Breathing is on hold. Life is on hold. You got it right.... exams have taken over the lives of the thousands of unsuspecting mothers all over the country. Board Exams or IIT Entrances or Masters or Middle School or Kindergarten.... you do not mess with the sanctity of the situation. Neatly made study time tables are being made and remade. The fridge door space is converted into a holy shrine with these scribbles. Weeks have been reduced to days. It will move on to number of hours left, when exams arrive. The house is sprinkled with books of all shapes and sizes. Study notes are flying around. Mums are trying their best not to lose their patience picking up after the children. The occasional stepping on the stationery is the last straw, generally! ‘Why don’t they study in their own rooms’ should be the new ‘Nation wants to know...’ agenda. They have to sit in the living ro...