NaMo NaMo??
At the outset, I do not have ANY political lineage or interests or aspirations. I am neither pro nor anti Saffronite. I have no Hands in any cookie jar, either. Just trying to use my common sense here.... Do we really need elections at the Centre next year?
It took Congress 10 short years to bring down our country to its lowest ever level. I guess, we need to be fair enough to the one crusader to turn it all around. While we pass jokes and memes on Whatsapp and Facebook and Twitter on his tagline, ‘Achche Din’.... nobody complained when we were being showed the most ‘Bure Din’??? We were content with sub-standard governance under the previous Government. And when someone is genuinely showing us a ray of hope, we are getting blinded by our over-the-top expectations.
‘Sone Ki Chidiya’ is definitely a thing of the past now. First, we blamed the British. They left us alone, long back, people. It has been our choices, and our choices alone, that has brought us to where we are today. Sometimes, it is the caste based voting and at times it is the lure of a few goodies handed out by the already-losers.
I just can’t imagine RaGa being our Prime Minister. It will be worse than the US getting Trumped! I mean, come on.... every time that he steps out of his house, he makes news: for all the wrong reasons. He becomes the trending meme. If he gives an interview, most of the time his answers appear to be from out of syllabus portion. He has reached new heights of insanity now that his interview videos have to be edited before they can be released to the social media.
Have you ever tried to notice the other political leaders that unfortunately share the dais with him at various rallies? You will see the pain and agony that they share deep inside. They have no choice but to support ‘this’ leader. They are the modern day Bhishmas tied to the ‘throne’. They could have done better elsewhere, serving the country rather than the family, but loyalty brought them to their knees.
While keeping this in mind, I guess it is easier for somebody like NaMo to prove his efficiency. It is time for NaMo to do more hands-on work, which the common man can relate to. All they remember is the discomfort that Demonitisation caused them, overtaking its benefits. They make fun of his foreign trips, without understanding his agenda on foreign relations. They crib about the growing cost of consumables without realising the long term benefits of GST. Triple Talaq gave our Muslim women their long overdue status in the male dominated society, and all we could hear on TV debates was the anger of the patriarchy on the interference in their religious matters.
His heart-to-heart ‘Mann Ki Baat’ shows the transparency of his intentions. He has Gujarat as a proof of his model governance. He has definitely focussed on Cleanliness and Hygiene through his ambitious ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’, which is one of the basic things we should have observed, ourselves, rather than comparing India with other foreign countries.
One of the biggest issues that looms over our country today is reservation, among others. Even Dr. Ambedkar, the Father of our Constitution, had agreed to reservation in the belief that it will be discontinued after 10 years. Little did he realise, that however good his intentions were, it will all get reduced broadly to vote-bank. We are only accentuating our country’s plight. The good and pure talent is being lured into foreign universities and companies. Time to turn things around and make India welcome for everybody? Time to change the Reservation criteria from caste to the economic status of an individual? Time to re-write History? I would like to see someone who has the guts to bring THIS sea change in our country, at the helm. Watsay, Mr. Narendra Modi?
In an ideal world, the most infamous and overly-linked Aadhar Card should serve a lot of purposes. It will increase transparency. Among other things, it would effectively tell us if a person is genuinely economically backward, irrespective of their caste. That should be the basis for Government schemes, subsidies, financial and other support; not which caste and sub-caste one belongs to. Admissions should be on the basis of merit alone. However, this would effectively harm the middlemen and ‘agents’. There will be political repercussions, too! Is that why it is being opposed to?
As a naive citizen of India, my only question is: Do we have a better alternative to Mr. Narendra Modi, right now? Then and only then, should we be wasting our time, money, energy and other resources on Elections. Give the man some more time, people. First he has to UNDO a lot of wrongs that were done under the previous Government. Not to forget the various obstacles he has to face when he decides to take a step.
Quoting Chanakya here: If the entire Opposition comes together and unites, it shows that the king of the land is an honest man!
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