To vaccinate, or not to vaccinate, that is the question.

Come 1st April and our young-ish yet matured crowd, who are enjoying their midlife years, will be thronging the medical centres, with masks on their faces, hope in their eyes, arms outstretched and a longing for the antibodies. After all, this is almost the final step towards defeating the nasty virus that has held the whole humanity at ransom! It has been over a year that we have been struggling with the tussle between lipsticks and masks. High time, I say! 

All sounds hunky dory, right??? Nope. Not at all. Hands down. How could they? How could they have put an age criteria to something as unavoidable as this. How dare they? The whole wide world will now know what has been under-wraps for ages. My age!! How rude!! I know, I barely look a day over 29! I can only imagine the smirks behind their designer masks. Ohhh, hopefully now they will religiously hold on to their masks. Hiding their condescending smiles!!

May be, just may be.... Modiji is trying to play an April Fools’ joke on all us unsuspecting folks in our prime-working years! I do have my suspicions. Got a few more greys since this news has been out. Well, will have to cover them up before I hit the party, I mean, the photo-booth, I mean the vaccination centre. I wonder if they have an official photographer there for the profile picture material of the year... or will have to make do with my impatient husband for a decent click. After all, it is a matter of pride. The vaccination certificate and the dp, both, will be framed and hung on the wall of fame.

Well, now that we have to face the inevitable, let them know. Let them know that I am sane enough to not jeopardise my family’s safety and walk to the vaccination centre with pride and dignity. I am not petty to hide my age. For the first time ever, my age is gonna give me an upper ‘arm’ over others! The others who are still riling under the underage criteria and the immaturity that comes with it.... hah!! Take that!! 

Hard to believe as it will be, I will have the last laugh when I will be amongst the first ones to get my life back to normal, to stride around openly with unprecedented fervour, to get my sanity back but with a mask. Because mask is still the key to relieve the world from this hostage situation.

So all you Santoor Moms and Dads out there... Get the prick. And the pic. 


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