The Great Indian.... CLEANING festival a.k.a. Diwali
It is that time of the year, again:
The self-pampering from the parlour trip. Working out our arms by holding the umpteen number of shopping bags. Thanking our stars for the advent of online shopping in our universe. Getting hypnotised by the clever marketing of the jewellery giants. Flocking the shoppers’ bye-lanes with the entire extended family for that perfect show-stopper evening look. Threatening the boutique staff for getting the perfect fit of that dress. Ticking off the list for gifts’ shopping. Bargaining with the hawkers for the colourful lamps and rangoli. Stocking up on low calorie options alongside the ghee-laden sweets for a guilt-free celebration. Phew!
But much like how every coin has two sides, here comes the downfall. The annual mega-cleaning ceremony. It is quite like the ‘Spring Cleaning’ in several cultures around the world. It involves cleaning every nook and corner of our humble abodes. Or risk being judged. Judged and looked down upon by the ‘Oh, I had already started my Diwali cleaning one and a half months back.’ class.
Time to welcome our most sought-out celebrity here: our helper. You can clap now. She is in demand. She is a must-be-kept-happy soul. She is the lynchpin for a stress free celebration. We are still used to calling her ‘maid’, much to my dislike. Seeing her arrive on time every morning brings a glow no spa can give you. God bless them! All I would say here is: Get over your obsession of storing things for generations. Throw out stuff first and then buy more. We can safely get rid of anything that we haven’t used over the past six months or so. You will experience a positive vibe in the house.
All in all, Diwali is a time for cleansing. Materialistic and inner cleansing. While our homes are getting polished, some introspection, too, is the need of the hour. Especially with the current global ecological threats looming over us, we do need to look at the bigger picture. Gone are the days when our social status would be decided by who spent more on crackers. It is like the elephant in the room, which we shouldn’t ignore anymore. It is mid October and feels like having extended Monsoon. Times are changing and so should we. Time for a judgment call, people.
Diwali is also the time for indulgence when it comes to taste buds. We have moved to ‘healthier’ options, but the homemade Indian sweets have their own special place in our hearts. I sometimes feel that the gym people actually count on this festive season for increase in their membership drive. So, basically, we are doing them a favour by indulging. So much for a social cause!
Well, hoping that we are cleansed, have shopped and stocked, have our guilts dealt with, have our festive hats on…. here’s wishing you all a very Happy Diwali and a prosperous year ahead. Stay safe.
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