"I would like to speak to the manager."
Recently, when me and my daughter were scrolling through the holy Instagram, we came across a meme. My daughter asked me to respond to it as, ‘You are such a Karen!’ Honestly, I did not understand what she meant by it. But being the cool mom that I would like to believe I am, (my children don’t think so... well, we all have a right to our own opinions!).... well, anyway.... so, I decided to probe into it further.
Voila!! ‘Karen’ was quite a species! Rampant, if I may add! We all know a few Karens in our life, I am sure. May be not by that name, though! Don’t worry!! You have me to rescue you here. Let me explain.
So, apparently, Karen has been generalised as, though not restricted to, that Facebook Mom who is living in the imaginary, long-lost 3rd decade of her life. She is ready to take on the world to task... for no apparent reason other than, well, coz the other, unimportant worldly people exist. She is that fidgety one in the queue. She is that fussy one at the billing counter. She is that grumpy one who would sue almost anybody and everybody for defying her whims and fancies. I hope you get the drift! Oh, and by the way, most of the times, they are characterised by a very unique and sharp hairstyle which is usually some sort of a bob cut. You might wanna avoid that hair-style... just saying!
So, basically, a kid says, “Papa, where’s Mamma?’
But our Karen says, “I would like to speak to the manager!”
(You know what I mean!! Wink wink!!)
So, this whole new enlightening exercise got me thinking on our very own desi version of Karens. I have tried to enlist a few:
- The one who is complaining about the teacher who gives a lot of homework.
- The one who is complaining about the teacher who doesn’t give homework.
- The one who fusses over the coach’s whistle being too loud.
- The one who thinks their children are the ideal ones.
- The ones who think how come this mother doesn’t care enough for her own children.
- The one who thinks that this one’s daughter shouldn’t be going out with that one’s son.
- The one who thinks that the vegetable vendor is robbing them by not giving away free dhaniya.
- The one who thinks that your maid isn’t making your floor glisten like a mirror, as it should be her life’s sole purpose.
- The one who thinks that the pani-puri guy is adding 2gms less stuffing.
- The one who constantly thinks that the neighbourhood grocer is cheating them with incorrect scales.
- The one who will bargain the life out of the poor street-vendor.
- The one who thinks that she is superior coz she has a career, unlike you.
- The one who thinks that she is superior coz she has sacrificed a career, to take care of her family, unlike you.
- The one who thinks how inappropriately did that celebrity dress up at that award function.
- The one who thinks how the opportunity of a nuclear family has spoilt someone.
- The one who thinks how being in a joint family has blessed someone.
- The one who finds the other woman wearing a sari, ‘gharelu’, salwar-suit, ‘behenji’, western, ‘wannabe’, straight-cuts, ‘so basic’, wide-leg jeans, ‘still living in the last century’, shorts, ‘skin-show’, gown, ‘makes her look plump’, heels, ‘can’t carry’, floaters, ‘too casual’.....
- The one who has issues with the other woman streaking her tresses.
- The one who doesn’t like your confidence while you sport your greys on your crown!
- The one who dislikes you when you flaunt your hard-earned six-packs.
- The one who judges for you not putting enough efforts for losing weight.
- The one who finds the sky very blue and the water very wet.
- The one who will ridicule the masks and the vaccines, in the current scenario.
- And the list goes on...!
Basically, this person lives under the impression that they are entitled to openly declare their rash opinions as facts. They, generally, get frustrated at the mere sight of another human being. They might look prim and proper but they have a huge head full of chaotic impulses to speak out against anyone and everyone, as though the other lesser beings are existing only to listen to their rants. They are probably the ones who will judge you NO MATTER WHAT!!
They are the ones who will be complaining and complaining and complaining. Sometimes, even when they are alone, too. So, they are easy to spot.
So, now that each one has identified their own Karen/s, the big question remains: How do we find a Karen-antidote???
- Do not, ever, under any circumstances, give them the satisfaction of getting into your skin. They thrive on our reactions.
- Don’t justify. Ever. Coz Karens are inherently deaf. That has been compensated by their big mouths. Nothing will change their opinion of you. Don’t waste your time.
- Don’t change yourself coz the Karens want you to look/behave/act in a certain way. It is Karen’s problem. Not yours.
- Don’t indulge them. Walk away, if you have to. They don’t deserve you.
- Don’t let them make you believe that you are not enough. Coz you are. Enough.
And when you, yourself, feel like becoming a Karen.... remember that you haven’t walked into the shoes of the other person. Coz you don’t have to. All have a right to make their own decisions. Their right could be your wrong, and vice versa. So, don’t be a Karen. For anybody. Coz non-Karens are way cooler!
Also, do enlighten us with your tried-and-tested antidotes.
- I have nothing against the actual name, ‘Karen’.
- And don’t get disheartened... Karenism extends to the male versions, too! You can lovingly call them Ken, Greg or Terry!
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